
A candle adorned with white flowers
and a bow, a prayer, the rosary dangling
the crucifix in complete form.

A veil of white, a bit of glitter at the top
a white dress, white shoes, white socks
my mother thought of it all, earrings to
match, the flame just so. Holiness.
Warmth. No fear that can be told.

My world then has stayed, wrapped
with the gentle movement of
people so close and dear, finding
solace and strength within.

Pillars so brown and rickety
galvanized iron roofs patterns
undulating, creating a joyful
cacophony. Rain in perfect beat
and harmony with the cymbals
and drums in the night and
the electrifying show of light.

The bamboos creaked, palms swayed
and the love, the safety, the strength
of nature nurturing us all
so perfect it cannot be told.

The shadows inside of us we battled
any fear any pillar by each pillar
where roots have grown in our spirits
far and wide. The gentle swaying
of yesteryears. The thunderous storm
in its beauty fading behind
the luminous gaiety
and blocks of time.

The love and the lessons grew loud
kept the cymbals, the drums, the
electrifying light the creaking and
the swaying of the night